Diverse group of happy children expressing confidence and individuality, representing the positive impact of applied behavior analysis in fostering social and emotional development.

what is applied behavior analysis?

ABA stands for "Applied Behavior Analysis".  Our field is a science that looks at behavior and tries to make sense of it.  When we apply that science to individuals, we look at taking a systematic approach of looking at all environmental variables that are influencing the behavior to determine the why (function) and how (topography) of the behavior and seek to change those variables in order to see a change in the behavior.  Applied behavior analysis only looks at socially significant behaviors (so, if your child likes to flap his hands, we will only look at behavior change IF it is impacting the child socially and to a significant degree) and maintains the client's dignity and respect.  Within applied behavior analysis, we take advantage of the client's motivation to encourage and foster learning, rather than demanding skill growth through force.  


Our clients are given opportunities for skill achievement through both discrete trials and the natural environment.  If a learner's age and skill level is such that they can work through repeated trials, we utilize DTT (Discrete Trial Training), which is where a skill is broken into small components and taught in pieces.  We pair the DTT with NET (Natural Environment Training), where we use what is in the learner's natural environment for teaching opportunities.


Applied behavior analysis is an intensive therapy that requires dedication from all parties involved in order to see maximum progress with the learner.  Parents and caregivers are expected to be involved and participate in therapy when appropriate.  To promote generalization, siblings, peers, teachers, grandparents, etc. are also encouraged to collaborate with therapy.  Generalization is the learner's ability to engage is skills across all settings and when in the presence of multiple people, not just the environment in which he acquired the skill.  The ultimate goal in applied behahavior analysis is that learner's will generalize enough to be able to independently engage is socially-significant skills and live a meaningful, fulling life.


If you would like more information on applied behavior analysis or our practice, please send us a message below.

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